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The newest project is my comic "Chess-Game with Gods" 
I draw characters day by day. Sometimes I manage one, sometimes I cant even think of a name... 
The language will be German, however, I think it may translate it to Engish... (but I need help with that)
A lot of work comes up to me, however, I already have the base for my story. 
For inquiries or also ideas I am very open and PLEASE be creative and draw your own characters. I love to bring in many ideas, because after the 10thd design they start to look simmilar. 

E-mail: or (or f. e. n. r. i. s.error@gmail. com) 
I look forward to your designs.

Those who are intrested shoud contact me.
One finds me also on deviantart under the username "thesketchercomics" 
You find all links at the end of this site :D

Storyline "CGWG"

Chess-Game with Gods


Also known in general as

"The (Wolf's) herd"or "the wolves" are the main organisation of "CGWG" The head ofFenris, also better famously than "Ghost" isthe human coordinator of the herd. Fenris has his head office in a small town called "Riverfrost" or "Black River Watch" as it is sometimes called, in Europe. Fenris, as well as the other organisations, is an unlawful organisation which does drug trafficking, Blackmailing, hacking, but also perform assassinations. In public  their "company" sells computer games, clothes and sometimes they even act politically.


The infamous water queue who is present around the whole globe. The "Head",Venom, has earned his nickname by the bite of a queue which almost killed him. Now he uses various poisons himselve to torture or kill his victims. This organisation does many assassinitiones and so is hunted worldwide. Because of that, the exact location of her base is also unknown.The problem is that no one can find any proof for their crimes. They always work very thoroughly.



Shiva, the Asian organisation, carries the name of a still existing divinity. The head is also called "Dancer" and organises rather politically. With blackmailing they hold the politicians under control.  The "Head" also acts actively in politics. They resemble rather a mafia.  In the town,"Huo chéng", they have their head office which lies in a more remote region of China.



or the three "furies" or formal "revenge goddesses" are a trio from women who form the heads of the organisation. The members are also primarily female. (Leve l2 members also manly) 
They remain very often reserved, however, they leave at their scene of crime always a signature, which is an unsolvable riddlemake to fun of the police. They are also the only ones who use regularly torture methods. Their headquater lies in a small town called "Bridgefall" in America.


In the new- modern time divinities play no more big role. Stories about vampires,werewolves, mythical figures or mythical creatures are just stories.  But they still exist. Some independently and some united in one of the four big organisations which carry the names of famous gods. Shiva, Midgard, Erinnyen, and Fenris. The only rule: The "Head" must be human!

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